Flexible 3G HD-SDI link for Studio and OB applications
FlexLink from Fibre4TV is a multichannel fibre optic transport system for 3G/HD/SDI digital video signals. Up to 8
videos can be carried over one singlemode fibre reducing the fibre count on permanent and temporary installations. The
direction of each video is user configurable e.g. 8 one way, 4 each way, 6 one way & 2 back. This flexibility enables
the user to meet changing production requirements saving on both equipment and cable costs.
The 1U 19” housing holds the individual Fibre4TV mini HD transmitters and receivers which ensures a high degree of
system resilience and serviceability.
Each channel has front panel LEDs to indicate signal presence and received
optical level. When a channel direction is changed its LED status is automatically updated on switch on.
An ST Fibre connector is fitted at the rear of the frame with the option of Neutrik DUO. Dual 12V inputs are provided
for main and back supplies from external PSUs.